We are hiring a paver/stone layer

Posted: 06-08-2024, job nr. 190872

Are you a skilled and fast handed construction worker, please have a look here!

Funen + islands
Temp job
Full time
The application deadline has passed. View our other vacant positions here.

Moment Construction is hiring a paver/stone layer for a client in Odense area. The job is a long-term temp position, with intent to hire permanently.

We imagine that you are skilled and or have some year of relevant experience. You have worked on construction sites, roads, driveways and similar. You are a professional and take pride in your work.

We offer

  • Payment according to qualifications
  • Great colleges
  • Quick hire

We expect you to:

  • Be politi and friendly
  • Have a B category driver’s license


Send us your CV, click on the link "Søg job" and follow the application process.

In case of any questions please feel free to contact Sanjin Hodzic, tlf. +45 41 30 13 20 or sah@moment.dk

The company


About the Ena portal and our companies

With a profile in the Ena portal, you have access to jobs from some of the Nordics' leading temp and recruitment agencies.

  • Today: Moment & Pædagogisk Vikarbureau.
  • Before long, the rest of the agencies in our group Edda Group will follow.

Together, we offer a wide selection of jobs within, among other categories, customer service, sales, finance, storage, logistics, production, construction, IT, service, child care, teaching etc.
We offer temporary and permanent employment - both part-time and full-time - and are with you all the way from application to employment. Always under orderly conditions. Read more about Moment here and Pædagogisk Vikarbureau here.